Identifikasi Layanan Kesehatan yang dibutuhkan Pasien Lansia untuk Menunjang Kepatuhan Minum Obat

Andi Makkulawu, Multiani S. Latif


Healthcare services are one of the factors influencing the medication adherence of elderly patients. Therefore, in order to enhance the medication adherence of elderly patients, it is essential to understand the healthcare services required by the elderly, both from healthcare professionals and the healthcare system. This research aims to identify the necessary healthcare services for the elderly to improve their adherence. The method employed is in-depth interviews using validated interview guidelines, followed by analysis through thematic analysis. A total of 12 elderly patients suffering from diabetes mellitus were involved in this study, ranging in age from 56 to 70 years. The forms of healthcare services needed by these elderly patients include insurance-covered treatment costs with an easy and practical system, information about medications delivered by experts, the presence of methods or tools for medication reminder, healthcare professionals who understand the elderly, education about medications and diseases, as well as specialized facilities to obtain medications. This study is a qualitative research effort, with the hope that further research can be conducted to serve as a foundation for both central and regional governments in formulating policies related to the healthcare services required by the elderly.


Adherence; Elderly; Healthcare services

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