Analisis Kadar Kalsium pada Minuman Susu Kedelai di Kota Pontianak Menggunakan Spektrofotometri Serapan Atom

Hadi Kurniawan, Fajar Nugraha, Bart Agus Raya


Soy milk or water tofu is milk that comes from soybean plants which are rich in nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and important minerals that are important for the body such as calcium. Calcium is a macromineral that can help the process of forming bones and teeth, helps the blood clotting process, performs muscle contractions, helps in transmitting nerve cell signals and can maintain bone density and can be a supplement in lowering LDL cholesterol levels. This study aims to determine calcium levels in soy milk drinks circulating in Pontianak City as a source of calcium nutrition information in soy milk drinks produced. The samples used in this study were 3 samples of soy milk circulating in the city of Pontianak obtained by purposive sampling technique. Sample preparation in this study used wet digestion followed by quantitative Ca testing using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Based on the calculation of the verification obtained linear regression equation y = 0.0676x + 0.0536, correlation coefficient (r) = 0.9986, % recovery = 94.3859% - 102.809 %, precision with a value of %RSD = %0.5986 % - 2.65555%, LOD 0.192392 ppm and LOQ 0.583007 ppm. Based on the results, the calcium levels of soy milk A, B and C were 0.0637 mg/mL, respectively; 0.0274 mg/mL; and 0.0361 mg/mL.


Soymilk; Calcium; Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry

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