Intensitas Nyeri pada Pasien Pasca General Anestesi dengan Teknik LMA di RS X Kota Depok

Yusdi Ghazaly, Niati Ambarsari, Audry Reksatya


General anesthesia with the LMA (Laryngeal Mask Airway) intubation technique is often used by anesthesia practitioners, throat pain is one of the complications most frequently complained of by patients. The aim of this study was to determine the intensity of throat pain in patients after general anesthesia using the LMA technique. This research method uses triangulation data collection techniques, namely moderate participant observation, interviews and in-dept-interviews. The research results show that women more often experience throat pain due to LMA (Laryngeal Mask Airway) general anesthesia compared to men. From the use of general anesthesia LMA (Laryngeal Mask Airway) at X Hospital, Depok City, there were 150 patients and the incidence of throat pain was 3 patients (2%), patient 1 (female) aged 31 was diagnosed with a mammary tumor experiencing severe pain (NSR = 8) , patient 2 (male) diagnosed with orif clavicle experienced mild pain (NSR=3) and patient 3 (female) diagnosed with mammary tumor experienced moderate pain (NSR=6). So it was concluded that of the 3 patients, there was mild pain intensity in 1 patient, moderate pain in 1 patient and severe pain in 1 patient.


General anesthesia; Laryngeal Mask Airway; Afternoon throat

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