Formulasi dan Evaluasi Sediaan Nutraseutikal Permen Jeli Ekstrak Daun Cempedak Dengan Variasi Konsentrasi Gelatin dan Manitol

Ayu Werawati, Riris Andriati, Bheta Sari Dewi, Fadhila Amatullah Halfa


Natural products can be used to enhance the body's natural immunity, one of which is the cempedak plant, which based on previous research shows that it has antioxidant activity which can increase the body's immunity.The study aims to formulate  Cempedak leaves into a jelly candy preparation with variations in gelatin and mannitol concentrations in the three formulas. The research was conducted at using experimental methods. Research starts with plant determination, formulation, and evaluation to find out which formula the best formula among the three formulas through several tests, such as organoleptic tests, weight uniformity, elasticity test and disintegration test and hedonic tests.  Results: The study's results showed that the formulation of jelly candy from Cempedak leaves extract with variations in gelatin and mannitol concentrations did not affect the uniformity of gelatin candy weights, but affect to the texture of gelatine candy. Variations of gelatin and mannitol in the cempedak leaf extract jelly candy formulation provide different physical properties from the three formulas, namely the higher the gelatin content, the higher the level of elasticity produced, while the higher the concentration of mannitol used, the harder the jelly candy texture and the sweeter the taste. The conclusion of this study is that cempedak leaves can be formulated into jelly candy preparations with variations in gelatin and mannitol concentrations. The cempedak leaf extract jelly candy preparation has an attractive shape, and a fairly good taste, meeting the requirements for weight uniformity, elasticity test and disintegration time test. The results of the hedonic test showed that respondents preferred formula 3 compared to formulas 1 and 2, with a gelatin concentration of 375 mg and mannitol 275 mg.


Cempedak leaves; Jelly candy; Gelatin; Mannitol

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