Aktivitas Metabolit Sekunder Bakteri Endofit Tanaman Insulin (Smallanthus sonchifolius) Sebagai Anti Hiperglikemia Pada Mencit Jantan (Mus musculus)
Endophytic bacteria are microorganisms that live in plant tissue during certain periods of their life cycle. The mutualistic symbiotic relationship between bacteria and plants allows endophytic bacteria to potentially be used as producers of secondary metabolites such as those contained in their host plants. This study aims to isolate and characterize endophytic bacteria found in insulin plants (Smallanthus sonchifolius), as well as testing antihyperglycemic activity in male mice. The aim of this research is to identify secondary metabolites secondary metabolites found in isolates of endophytic bacteria on insulin plants (Smallanthus sonchifolius) which are has antihyperglycemic activity in male mice (Mus musculus). The urgency of this research is to prevent exploitation of plants that have potential in medicine and to determine the activity of endophytic bacteria in insulin plants (Smallanthus sonchifolius) as antihyperglycemia in male mice (Mus musculus). The method used at this stage of the research was to isolate endophytic bacteria from insulin plants (Smallanthus sonchifolius). The endophytic bacterial isolates used were collections from the UNG Pharmaceutical Microbiology laboratory culture, then rejuvenated the bacteria; endophytic bacterial suspension; production of secondary metabolites by endophytic bacteria; The antihyperglycemia test stage in mice is carried out by measuring the decrease in blood sugar per time. In Insulin plants (Smallanthus sonchifolius) there is 1 endophytic bacterial isolate, namely BTI. BTI isolate showed antihyperglycemic activity in male mice. From the results of the One Way Anova test, it shows a sig result = 0.000 which can be interpreted that there is a significant difference because the probability value (significant) is less than 0.05.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37311/jsscr.v6i2.27586
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