Evaluasi Perencanaan Pengadaan Obat dengan Metode MMSL Berdasarkan Data Penolakan di Apotek X

Andriyani Rahmah Fahriati, Novita Sari, Nurul Hidayatri, Nurmiwiyati Nurmiwiyati, Ahmad Sopian


Medicines in pharmacies often run out when pharmaceutical services are provided. The absence of medication may result in the patient receiving an insufficient amount and may affect the patient's ability to recover. This problem not only impacts patient care but also pharmacy profits. To optimize pharmaceutical services in pharmacies and reduce the possibility of this happening, it is necessary to arrange good drug planning in order to maximize pharmaceutical services. Research Objectives: This research aims to implement and evaluate drug procurement planning at the X Pharmacy using the Minimum-Maximum Stock Level (MMSL) method for the products available at the pharmacy. Research Method: This research used a descriptive observational method supported by a quantitative approach taken retrospectively and prospectively in March-April 2024 with the Minimum-Maximum Stock Level (MMSL) drug planning method. Research Results: After implementing the MMSL method in planning drug procurement at the X Pharmacy for 1 month, it was proven to help reduce the occurrence of drug shortages (stock outs), this can be seen from the decrease in the number of drug rejection data with statistical data of 0.024.


Pharmacy; Planning; Procurement; Medicine; MMSL

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37311/jsscr.v6i3.28436


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  Department of Pharmacy, Gorontalo State University
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