Potensi Variasi Konsentrasi Cera flava dan Vaselin album sebagai Basis Salep Ekstrak Daun Murbei (Morus alba L.)

Ade Irma Suryani, Ni Putu Italya Purnama Shantyoga, Ni Luh Eka Desriati


Mulberry plants (Morus alba .L) are one type of plant that is used in the production of food, beverages, fashion and medicine. The parts of the plant used are the flowers, bark, flower stalks, and leaves. Several recent studies have shown its potential for traditional medicine applications. Mulberry leaves have antibacterial, antioxidant, antiviral, and inflammatory activities. The antimicrobial activity of mulberry leaves is caused by the presence of phenol groups that can bind to bacterial cell membranes in their hydrogen bonds, causing changes in protein structure. formulated in the form of pharmaceutical preparations in the form of ointments. Ointments are semi-solid dosage forms used for external treatment, especially for skin diseases such as eczema, itching, and burns. Ointments usually consist of a base (base ingredient) and active ingredients (drug ingredients) that are mixed together. Choosing the right ointment base is very important because the ointment base affects the therapeutic effect of the ointment preparation. Cera flava is a mixture of beeswax that is used as a base in various cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. Meanwhile, Vaseline album comes from a mixture of mineral oil and beeswax which functions as a skin protector. In this study, the potential variation of Cera flava and Vaseline album concentrations as a base for mulberry leaf extract ointment will be seen by formulating and testing the physical properties of the ointment. The method used in this study was the formulation of mulberry leaf extract ointment with variations in the base of Cera flava and Vaseline album 1:9, 3:17, 1:4. Furthermore, testing the physical properties of the formulated ointment was carried out. The parameters measured included organoleptic tests, spreadability tests, adhesion tests, and pH. The results showed that Cera flava (beeswax) and Vaseline album (white vaseline) can be combined in the formulation of mulberry leaf ointment. The physical properties of mulberry leaf ointment were evaluated including organoleptic tests, pH tests, spreadability tests and adhesion tests. The combination of bases with the best physical evaluation results is Formula 1, with a ratio of 1:9.


Morus alba L; ointment; formulation, physical properties

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37311/jsscr.v6i3.29327


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