Formulasi Face Mist Daun Kenikir (Cosmos Caudatus Kunth.) sebagai Pelembap dengan Aktivitas Antioksidan

Indah Safitri, Abd Malik, Audia Triani Olli


Skin is an organ of the body that functions as the outermost layer of the organism that separates the body's internal environment from the external environment. Dry skin or combination affected by sharp pollution levels can result in negative effects for skin health can be disrupted will affect health and appearance, high levels will cause problems in the skin such as damage due to free radical activity. Because to overcome this, alternative compounds are needed and have fewer side effects to reduce skin damage due to sun exposure, is to use natural ingredients derived from plants. One of the plants has high antioxidant activity, namely kenikir leaves (Cosmos caudatus Kunth). This study is aimed at analyzing the stability of face mist preparations for moisturizing leaves. The method of this study uses DPPH. The results of this study showed that the face mist of kenikir leaf extract (Cosmos caudatus Kunth.) had differences to organoleptic, homogeneity, pH, dispersion, irritation test, and cycling test. then an antioxidant activity test was carried out using the DPPH method. The results showed that kenikir leaf ethanol extract could be formulated into a physically and chemically stable face mist preparation and had antioxidant activity and was effective in formula III with a concentration of 5%.


Antioxidants, Face mist, Leaf Cancer, Free Radicals, DPPH

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