Estimasi Nilai Ekonomi Sisa Antibiotik dalam Program “Buang Sampah Obat†di Pekanbaru

Nadya Putri Auliya Serawaidi, Subardi Bali, Putri Helena Junjung Buih, Zura Ashara


In some countries, unused drugs are a problem because they are seen from the cost of the waste drugs themselves and their influence on the circulation of counterfeit drugs that are rampant today. This study aims to find out the profile of discarded antibiotic drugs, the number of discarded antibiotic drugs and find out the cost of disposing of these waste drugs. This study uses a cross-sectional design by taking secondary data from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency in Pekanbaru. Drug data collected from 2019 uses a data collection sheet containing the name of the drug, potency, dosage form, residual amount and drug price. Furthermore, the cost of drugs is calculated based on the Highest Retail Price (HET). Data analysis uses Microsoft Excel 2019 to calculate drug costs and antibiotic drug cost percentages. Antibiotic drugs that have been successfully collected in the Drug Waste Disposal Program in Pekanbaru are 30 items, 63.3% of the brand drug category and 36.7% are generic drugs. The majority of discarded dosage forms were tablets (82.85%); capsules (11.43%); solution (2.86%). Based on the therapeutic class, the most collected antibiotic drug category is the antibiotic cefadroxil. The economic value of antibiotic drugs collected is Rp. 1.214.104 with a total of 30 drug items.


Unused Medicines;Estimated; Economic; Antibiotic Medications; Cross-Sectional Study

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