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Peningkatan Akurasi Parameter Kisi Kristal dalam Analisis Difraksi Sinar-x (XRD) Melalui Karakterisasi Koreksi Titik Nol

A Indra Wulan Sari Ramadani


The characterization of the zero point correction (2θ0) has been carried out for several XRD instruments using the NIST SRM 640d Silicon standard sample. This research was conducted to determine the 2θ0 position of three diffractometers, namely Shimadzu XRD-7000 Maxima-X at Hasanuddin University Makassar, Philips PW 1710 at the University of Indonesia and Pan Analytical X-Pert Pro at Malang State University. This 2θ0 cost was performed using Fityk for single-line analysis and Rietica for Rietveld analysis. This study shows that each instrument has different characteristics of the zero point position referring to the difference in optical arrangement. The results of this study confirmed that the results of the XRD analysis using the Rietica program which had been corrected with 2θ0 99.79% were close to the values of the calculated lattice parameters.


XRD; Posisi Titik nol ; Parameter Kisi

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