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Sifat Lubang Hitam Schwarzschild-de Sitter dalam Background Semesta yang Berekspansi Dipercepat

Muh Fachrul Latief


In this paper has reviewed about the physical of Schwarzschild-de Sitter black hole in the background an accelerated expansion of universe. The physical properties. The physical properties discussed are cosmic effects on the Schwarzschild-de Sitter black hole such as its mass, temperature and horizon radius. First, the formulation of the Einstein field equations is carried out by adding the cosmological constant and the cosmic scale factor as the conformal factor of the Schwarzschild-de Sitter metric to investigate local spacetime in asymptotic time periods as a homogeneous and istropic FRW metric. In addition, it has been discussed and investigated specifically for the temperature expression which is a function of the cosmological constant and used in determining the Hawking radiation spectrum. The temperature is approached at the critical point of the cosmological constant Λ [0,1] to determine the characteristics of the temperature in an asymptotic state. The results show that by applying the Ricci scalar, the solution of Einstein’s gravitaional which time-dependent and spherical-symmetry can be described against in the background of a unified accelerated expansion of the universe. Likewise, a generalization of the cosmological horizon, particle trajectories, and temperature of the Schwarzschild-de Sitter black hole is obtained which is in harmony with the background of the accelerated expansion of the universe.


Schwarzschild-de Sitter black hole; Einstein’s field equation; Ricci’s scalar; Cosmological constant;

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