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Tingkat Karakteristik Batuan Induk Sebagai Sumber Kandungan Minyak dan Gas Bumi : Studi Kasus Cekungan Lariang-Karama-Sulawesi Barat
The need for oil and gas is increasing. This increases exploration and exploitation activities in oil and gas through production by searching for new reserves or developing old fields. This research was conducted in western Sulawesi, Lariang Basin in the Kalumpang Formation, Budung-Budung Formation, Lisu Formation and Pasang Kayu Formation, which is dominated by massive sedimentary basins. This research was conducted with quantitative and qualitative analyses of geophysical log data with rock data and correlation between geochemical data and data from source rocks. Source rock characterization was carried out by analyzing organic material content, organic material type and maturity level. The three test wells were analyzed so that it can be interpreted that the organic material content does not have good potential as a source rock with the type of organic material in the medium category that produces gas but is not effective, so the maturity level is obtained immature which does not have good potential as an effective source rock but can produce oil and gas in small quantities.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.34312/ljpa.v1i2.21835
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