Analisis Prioritas Belum Terlaksananya Retensi Dan Pemusnahan Berkas Rekam Medis Inaktif Di Puskesmas Pangi Kab. Boalemo

Susanti Golo, Lintje Boekoesoe, Yasir Mokodompis


Retention and destruction of medical record files must be regarded as the addition of medical record files, and patient visits continue to increase without being matched by reduction or good retention. Consequently, it will lead to accumulation of medical record files which disrupts work activities. The research objective is to determine the main priority factors which hamper the implementation of retention and destruction of inactive medical record files. This research is classified as descriptive research which employs a qualitative approach. The research informants comprise 1 key informant and 3 regular informants. The research data are gathered through observation, structured interview, and documentation. This research is conducted at Puskesmas (Public Health Center) Pangi, Boalemo Regency. The research findings indicate that the Man factor is the first priority problem with a score of 144, and it encompasses the absence of staff and officers who have medical record educational backgrounds, or who are equipped with appropriate knowledge. Subsequently, the Method factor is the second priority problem, the Money factor is the third priority problem, the Materials factor is the fourth priority problem, and the Machine factor is the fifth priority problem. Therefore, Puskesmas Pangi must pay more attention to the Retention and Destruction of Inactive Medical Record files, as the reduction of medical record files that have been damaged and are not properly arranged in storage.

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