Green Marketing SMEs Dalam Menunjang Perekonomian Masyarakat Masyarakat Desa Bongo Dan Desa Doulan Kecamatan Bokat Kab. Buol – Sulawesi Tengah
Raflin Hinelo, Idris Yanto Niode
Bongo Village & Doulan Village, Bokat Subdistrict, Buol Regency are categorized as remote because of their hilly and coastal geography. The majority of the population is fishermen and traditional farmers. The spread of MSMEs in the village is very large, but the level of income and welfare remains low because the products sold have no added value, are not diversified and there is no production technology intervention. This is exacerbated by the lack of skilled labor, limited means of production and narrow marketing network. This program aims to increase the income of groups of MSME business actors and craftsmen, mostly women (wives and young women) from farming and fishing families. Gender empowerment is intended so that they contribute to the improvement of the family economy. This can be achieved if the craftsmen have the knowledge and skills to produce products that are tested for quality, are attractive and reach a wide marketing network. The results of the service achievements show that 1). The achievements of the planned program are well completed; 2) The realization of the Fish-Based Home Industry Food Processing (IRT) training program for business actors in both villages with visible and measurable changes in the behavior of business actors in maximizing the production process by paying attention to environmentally friendly concepts.
Green Marketing; SMEs; Community Economy
Abdul Razak Munir, Jumidah Maming, Nuraeni Kadir and Muhammad Sobarsyah. 2020. Linking green marketing strategy with geo-cultural product attractiveness on SME's marketing performance in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 575 (2020) 012050
Ali Hasan. 2018. Green Tourism Marketing Model. Jurnal Media Wisata, Volume 13, Nomor 2, Nov 2015
Darul Islam. 2018. Tinjauan Penerapan Konsep Green Marketing Dalam Pelestarian Lingkungan. Jurnal Pamator. Volume 11, No. 1, April 2018 Hlm. 10-18.
Niode, Idris Yanto dan Herwin Mopangga. Manajemen Usaha: Produk Unggulan Lokal Stik Jagung Ikan. Gorontalo. Ideas Publishing. 2021

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