Sosialisasi Dan Pelatihan Sistem Informasi Pemasaran Digital Umkm Desa Olele Kecamatan Kabila Bone
Olele Village is one of the villages in Kabila Bone District, Bone Bolango Regency which has various potentials, especially marine tourism potential and other goods. However, if assessed in terms of the use of information technology, these potentials would need be better managed by utilizing information technology for digital publications or marketing. This community service activity aims to facilitate the community and village government in managing and promoting the potential and marketing of natural resources or human resources in Olele Village. In addition, this activity also aims to facilitate village officials in managing population administration through the implementation of a village information system. The method used in this activity is socialization and training for village officials and the community. The community service activities were conducted successfully and well appreciated by the village government and the community.
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Utama, Yadi. Sistem Informasi Berbasis Web Jurusan Sistem Informasi Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Sriwijaya.
Profil Daerah. Portal Resmi Kabupaten Bone Bolango.
DP2M Dikti. 2013. Panduan Penelitian dan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat. Jakarta: DIKTI.
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