Density of caalcareous macroalgae Halimeda sp. and Padina sp. around the water of Kodingareng Lompo Island, Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia

Nurqadri Syaia Bakti, Nita Rukminasari, Khusnul Yaqin, La Nane, Muh Yusfi Yusuf


Based on the results obtained from this study, it can be concluded that: (1). Halimeda sp density based on stations, there is a noticeable difference between station 1 and station 3, (2)Halimeda sp density based on the research time, namely there is a noticeable difference between the study time in July and October, (3) Padina sp density based on stations, there is a noticeable difference between station 1 and station 2, and (4). The density of Padina sp is based on the time of the study, that is, there is a noticeable difference between the time of the study in July and October.

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