Respon Tanaman Jagung Lokal (Zea mays L.) Varietas Motorokiki Pada Beberapa Kelas Lereng dan Pola Tanam Jagung

Hariyanto Kase, Nurdin Nurdin, Nurmi Nurmi


This research aims at finding out the response of corn plants, varieties of Motorikiki in several slope classes, and corn cropping patterns and figuring out the interaction between several slope classes and corn cropping patterns of corn plants, varieties of motorikiki. This research was conducted from April to August 2019 in Talumopatu Village, Mootilango Sub-district, Gorontalo Disticrt. The treatments employing split plot design and main plot comprising L1 0-8% (40x40), T1 (50x50 and 15x15 cm), T2 (75x75 and 20x20), T3 (100x100 and 20x20 cm), T4 (100x100 and 15x15 cm) are repeated three times to obtain 45 plot treatment . Data analysis ti tested using Duncan at significance level of 5%. Findings reveal that the slope classes of L3 15-25% with cropping pattern of T2 75x75 cm affect the growth and production of corn combined with peanut plants of 20 x 20 cm. there is also an interaction between the slope class treatments  of 15-25% and cropping patterns of T2 75 x 75 cm on the growth and production of corn plants.

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