Pengaruh Pemberian POC Air Kelapa dan Kulit Bawang pada Media Tanam Arang Sekam terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Seledri (Apium graveolens L.)
Celery (Apium graveolens L) is one of the most important vegetable crops and has a reasonably hight export value. The essential thing in this study is to fine out how the celery plant (Apium graveolens L) responds and interacts with the application of coconut water liquid organic fertilizer and onion peel. This study also aims to is pect and examine the application of which liquid organic fertilizer is most effective on celery growth (Apium graveolens L). This research was conducted in Huntu Utara Village, Bulango Selatan subdistrict Bone Bolango regency. This research was carried out for three months, starting from May – July 2022. This study used a Randomized Factorial design consisting of two factors: 1) planting media and 2) doses of liquid organic fertilizer. Twelve treatment combinations were obtained from both factors, and each was repeated three times. The number of planting plots consist of 36 plots, of which each plot consists of four plants. Thus the number of plants with three replays amounted to 144 experimental plants. The research data were analyzed using ANOVA, and if F count is greater than F table, it will be continued with further testing of the Least signifikan Difference at the level of 5%. The results showed that the planting media and liquid organic fertilizer influenced the growth of celery plants, and there was and interaction between the application of liquid organic fertilizer and planting media on the number of leaves, the number of saplings, and the fresh weight or mass of celery plants, the soil growing medium accumulated with husk charcoal, liquid organic fertilizer, and onion peel gives corresponfing results on celery growth.
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