Pengaruh Dosis Pupuk Kandang Sapi dan Tingkat Kepadatan Tanaman terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Kedelai (Glycine Max L.)

Nuryan Hilala, Fauzan Zakaria, Nikmah Musa


Soybean (Glucine max L) is one of the important commodities in Indoneia with high economic value, as it is a source of plant-based protein. The high and low production of soybeans in determined by several factors, including the lack of soil nutrients. One solution  to address this issue is through fertilization using organic and inorganic fertilizers. The research aimed to determine the effect of cow manure dosage and plant density level on the growth and yield of soybean plants.The study was conducted from August to November 2022 in Huluduotamo village, Suwawa Subdistrict, Bone Bolango Regency. This research utilized a randomized block design (RBD) consisting of two factors with 3 replications. The first factor was cow manure dosage with three levels; P0 (Control), P1 (15 tons/ha). And P2 (30 tons/ha), while the second factors was plant density level with three levels; K1 (40 cm x 10 cm), K2 (40 cm x 20 cm), and K3 (40 cm x 30 cm). The research results indicated that cow manure had an effect on the growth (plant height) and yield (number of pods) 0f soybean plants. The dosage of 15 tons/ha resulted in the best outcome for the growth and yield of soybean plants. The plant denisty level also had an influence on the growth (plant height) and yield (weight of 100 seeds) of the plants. A density level of 20 x 20 cm produced the best results for improving the yield growth of soybean plants. The interaction between the dosage of cow manure (15 tons/ha) and the plant density level of 40 x 20 cm had an effect on plant height and provided the best outcome for the growth of soybean plants.



Pupuk kandang sapi dan tingkat kepadatan tanaman kedelai

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