The Racial Discrimination in the 12 Years A Slave Novel by Solomonon Nrthup Towards the Supporting Character Patsey (Marxist Feminism Persective)

Safira Deviani Sumaga, Adriansyah Katili, Rusni Podungge


This research examines racial discrimination towards Patsey in Solomon Northup's 12 Years A Slave novel. The study aims to categorize racial discrimination types using Gordon Allport's (1954) theory—verbal abuse, avoidance, segregation, physical attack, and extermination—analyzing through Marxist feminism. Utilizing a qualitative sociological method, the research identifies three discrimination types: verbal antagonism, avoidance, and physical attack. Segregation and extermination were not evident. In the verbal antagonism stage, Mr. Epps verbally degraded Patsey's race and gender, labeling her a black wench. The avoidance stage portrays Mrs. Epps, an upper-class woman, expressing resentment by withholding food and soap, illustrating power dynamics. The physical attack stage illustrates Patsey being flogged for not meeting cotton-picking quotas, showcasing the compounded oppression faced by women slaves in race, gender, and class. Patsey's abuse by Mr. and Mrs. Epps for their master's mistakes highlights how upper-class individuals perpetuate oppression. Patsey's naked punishment underscores gender-specific oppression. In conclusion, Patsey's narrative in 12 Years A Slave novel exemplifies race and gender intersectionality, revealing capitalism and patriarchy collaboration in marginalizing lower-class black women.



Racial Discrimination, Marxist Feminism, Sociological Approach, 12 Years A Slave Patsey

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p-ISSN: 2088-6020 dan e-ISSN: 2776-5733

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