Colloid system [is] a[n mixture form which its [of] located nya [among/between]
suspense and condensation ( harsh mixture). Name of colloid given by Thomas Graham in the year
1861. That term Come from yunani Ianguage, that is \" Kolla\" and \" Oid\". Kolla Mean glue while Oid
like. In this case related to glue [is] the nature of its diffusion, because colloid system have low dipusi
value like glue because its bigger fairish particle than molecule, that is maximum 1 micrometer. Flash
Macromedia [is] animation object creator application which [is] powerful. Added with making [of]
graphical object [of] vektor which consist in in it, pemprograman [of] Actionscript. such Animassi that
is from atom particle motion and molecule which [do] not look with indra pentameter, generalizing
cannot from perception, have to earn generalizing with theory. Result learn [is] ability [of] student in
knowledge aspect, understanding of, application, analysis, sintesis, and evaluation [at] colloid system
items where this ability [is] obtained to [pass/through] media study [of] flash macromedia. ability [of]
Student in the aspect expressed in tes score result of learning. Retention result of learning [is] ability
[of] student remember items which have been taught by teacher [at] spanning certain time. Retention
result of learning student [is] in this case expressed in retention tes score result of learning. This
research aim to Know result learn for the items of taught colloid system by using higher flash
macromedia from [at] which [is] taught without using flash macromedia and to know retention result
of learning for the items of taught colloid system by using higher flash macromedia from [at] which
[is] taught without using flash macromedia. This research represent research [of] eksperimental with
used [by] pelitian device [at] this research [is] post test design group controle only with XI IPA SMA
Country I class student population Live as an ascetic school year 2008 / 2009. Research Sampel
divided two class with the each experiment class by using flash macromedia and class control without
using flash macromedia with amount of [is] same student that is 21 people. used instrument in the form
of objeksif tes. Before tes used to net data, beforehand analyze indicator of[is quality of tes that is
executed [by] reliabilitas and validity [in] SMA Country 4 Gorontalo. Validity Tes obtained 100% and
reliabilitas equal to 0,69. Result of research obtained a) [at] tes test result of learning experiment class
by using higher obtained score flash macromedia that is = 76,87 compared to tes dennga result of
learning [at] class control without using flash macromedia with obtained score = 68,54 in hypothesis
test concluded that in signifikan level 0,01 with dk = 40 in the reality diperolen assess thitung = 3,93 >
from ttabel ( 0,995)(20) = 2,84 and H0 [in] refusing so that can be expressed that result learn natural student
[of] study by using flash macromedia by signifikan compared to better [of] natural student [of] study
without using macromedia b) [at] retention tes test result of learning experiment class by using higher
obtained score flash macromedia that is = - 29,08 compared to tes dennga result of learning [at] class
control without using flash macromedia with obtained score = - 30,10 in hypothesis test concluded that
in signifikan level 0,01 with dk = 40 in the reality diperolen assess thitung = 0,34 < from ttabel ( 0,995)(20) =
2,84 and H0 [in] accepting so that can be expressed that result learn natural student [of] study by
using flash macromedia by signifikan compared to better [of] natural student [of] study without using
macromedia from hopotesis test [at] retention tes result of learning to be categorized [by] there [is]
[relation/link] in study by using flash macromedia.
suspense and condensation ( harsh mixture). Name of colloid given by Thomas Graham in the year
1861. That term Come from yunani Ianguage, that is \" Kolla\" and \" Oid\". Kolla Mean glue while Oid
like. In this case related to glue [is] the nature of its diffusion, because colloid system have low dipusi
value like glue because its bigger fairish particle than molecule, that is maximum 1 micrometer. Flash
Macromedia [is] animation object creator application which [is] powerful. Added with making [of]
graphical object [of] vektor which consist in in it, pemprograman [of] Actionscript. such Animassi that
is from atom particle motion and molecule which [do] not look with indra pentameter, generalizing
cannot from perception, have to earn generalizing with theory. Result learn [is] ability [of] student in
knowledge aspect, understanding of, application, analysis, sintesis, and evaluation [at] colloid system
items where this ability [is] obtained to [pass/through] media study [of] flash macromedia. ability [of]
Student in the aspect expressed in tes score result of learning. Retention result of learning [is] ability
[of] student remember items which have been taught by teacher [at] spanning certain time. Retention
result of learning student [is] in this case expressed in retention tes score result of learning. This
research aim to Know result learn for the items of taught colloid system by using higher flash
macromedia from [at] which [is] taught without using flash macromedia and to know retention result
of learning for the items of taught colloid system by using higher flash macromedia from [at] which
[is] taught without using flash macromedia. This research represent research [of] eksperimental with
used [by] pelitian device [at] this research [is] post test design group controle only with XI IPA SMA
Country I class student population Live as an ascetic school year 2008 / 2009. Research Sampel
divided two class with the each experiment class by using flash macromedia and class control without
using flash macromedia with amount of [is] same student that is 21 people. used instrument in the form
of objeksif tes. Before tes used to net data, beforehand analyze indicator of[is quality of tes that is
executed [by] reliabilitas and validity [in] SMA Country 4 Gorontalo. Validity Tes obtained 100% and
reliabilitas equal to 0,69. Result of research obtained a) [at] tes test result of learning experiment class
by using higher obtained score flash macromedia that is = 76,87 compared to tes dennga result of
learning [at] class control without using flash macromedia with obtained score = 68,54 in hypothesis
test concluded that in signifikan level 0,01 with dk = 40 in the reality diperolen assess thitung = 3,93 >
from ttabel ( 0,995)(20) = 2,84 and H0 [in] refusing so that can be expressed that result learn natural student
[of] study by using flash macromedia by signifikan compared to better [of] natural student [of] study
without using macromedia b) [at] retention tes test result of learning experiment class by using higher
obtained score flash macromedia that is = - 29,08 compared to tes dennga result of learning [at] class
control without using flash macromedia with obtained score = - 30,10 in hypothesis test concluded that
in signifikan level 0,01 with dk = 40 in the reality diperolen assess thitung = 0,34 < from ttabel ( 0,995)(20) =
2,84 and H0 [in] accepting so that can be expressed that result learn natural student [of] study by
using flash macromedia by signifikan compared to better [of] natural student [of] study without using
macromedia from hopotesis test [at] retention tes result of learning to be categorized [by] there [is]
[relation/link] in study by using flash macromedia.
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