Pendampingan dan Pelatihan Aplikasi Pelaporan Bencana di Wilayah Desa Biluango
Biluango Village is one of the villages located in Kabila Bone District, Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo Province. Biluango Village is located in a coastal and mountainous area so it is quite prone to disasters. The purpose of the service program activity is to increase the understanding of the Biluango Village community about natural disaster management by providing assistance and training on disaster reporting applications. The method used in this service program is direct assistance in the field. The implementation of activities is carried out in the form of socialization and training on information systems related to mapping every potential that exists in the village in order to create space for the community to be able to promote tourism, or businesses and products produced through the village potential website
Disaster reporting applications; Service program
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Anonim, 2012, Panduan pengabdian kepada masyarakat, DP2m Dikti,
BPPD. 2020. Data & Informasi Bencana Indonesia. (Online), ( 0, Diakses tanggal 21 September 2020)
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Bone Bolango , 2019. Bone Bolango Dalam Angka 2019. Bone Bolango : Badan Pusat Statistik
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Copyright (c) 2021 Muthia Muthia, Edi Setiawan, Lanto Ningrayati Amali, Muhamad Rifai Katili, Mukhlisulfatih Latief, Moh Ramdhan Arif Kaluku, Budiyanto Ahaliki, Arif Dwinanto, Nurul Tiara Kadir

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Devotion Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Bidang Pendidikan, Sains dan Teknologi
Department of Informatics Engineering, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
Engineering Faculty Building, 1st Floor
Jl. Prof. Dr. Ing. B. J. Habibie, Bone Bolango, Gorontalo, 96119, Indonesia
Phone: +62 (435) 821125, Fax: +62 435 821752

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