Pelatihan Pembuatan Video Explainer Terhadap Siswa SMKN 6 Kendari
One of the programs from the Merdeka Campus is the Teaching Campus, where students are given the opportunity to become educators in schools. Campus Teaching is a teaching activity in schools and part of the Merdeka Campus program. Muhammadiyah University of Kendari in the Information Technology Education department has used this program as one of the quality improvements for students. Students who take part in this program do community service as one of the programs that can help students at the school. An explainer video is a short animated video that focuses on explaining a theme in a simple, attractive way, using clear and concise language, using attractive visuals so that it quickly catches the attention of viewers. Explainer animation is more concerned with content than execution, so it is suitable as a medium for entertainment as well as socialization in society Explainer videos are not taught in the school curriculum, so students do not know how to make them. With this lack, the students from the Teaching Campus program held a Video Explainer Making Training for students at SMKN 6 Kendari as a student skill in the field of information technology. With this training, the participants already have knowledge about what an explainer video is like, both from its function and usability. Participants are also able to make simple explainer videos according to the concepts that have been made by each participant. The results of the practical evaluation of the enthusiastic trainees in completing the explainer videos were made in accordance with the concepts created by the participants, and the participants gave the impression that this activity was quite meaningful and could provide additional knowledge about the understanding of explainer videos.
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