Pelatihan Pembuatan E-LKPD Berdiferensiasi Berbasis Liveworsheet bagi Guru IPA di Musi Banyuasin untuk Mendukung Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka

Kodri Madang, Masagus Mhd. Tibrani, Rahmi Susanti, Susy Amizera, Safira Permata Dewi


The uniqueness of the implementation of the Medeka Curriculum (IKM) directs teachers to carry out differentiated learning according to students' cognitive and non-cognitive abilities. This has an impact on teachers having to provide various teaching materials that can be used to facilitate these needs but remain interactive. One way that teachers can do this is by using the Liveworsheet application in the learning process. This training aims to provide skills to science teachers in Musi Banyuasin to use the Liveworsheet application in presenting LKPD. This activity was carried out using a training method with stages of material presentation, question and answer, workshop, and activity evaluation. The product produced in this activity is a Liveworsheet based LKPD. This training was attended by 12 junior high school science teachers in Musi Banyuasin Regency. The evaluation carried out at the end of the activity aims to get an overview from the participants about the implementation of this activity. The results of the evaluation carried out showed that participants were very satisfied with the training content provided, implementation methods, mastery of resource material, depth of material, assistance provided, and quality of material provided. The participants' assessments also showed that the material provided had very high relevance to the learning process, was applicable, provided ideas for learning development and was considered able to overcome problems in implementing the Independent Curriculum. Participants are also very enthusiastic if similar training is carried out for a longer duration.


Keywords: Applications in Learning; Student Worksheets; Liveworsheets; Differentiated Learning, Information Technology.

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