Sosialisasi dan Pelatihan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Premium Kristal

Indhitya R Padiku, Nikmasari Pakaya, Lanto Ningrayati Amali, Muthia Muthia, Eka Vickraien Dangkua, Lillyan Hadjaratie


Premium crystal ice is known for its high-quality ice products used by various groups, including restaurants, hotels, and traditional markets. However, despite having superior products, the company still relies on a manual system for recording production, managing stock, and tracking shipments. Socialization and training of the Premium Kristal Management Information System (SIMPEKRIS) design are very important to help the company improve operational efficiency and effectiveness. This system aims to simplify recording, managing stock, and tracking ice shipments in real time, as well as support management in making decisions based on accurate and on time.


Management Information System, Crystal Premium, Web System

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Copyright (c) 2025 Indhitya R Padiku, Nikmasari Pakaya, Lanto Ningrayati Amali, Muthia Muthia, Eka Vickraien Dangkua, Lillyan Hadjaratie

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