YUSRA MULAJATO. A Development Planning Information System (the principal supervisor is Tajuddin Abdillah, S.Kom, M.Cs., and the co-supervisor is Moh. Ramdhan Arif Kaluku, S.Kom, M.Kom.)
Musrenbang (Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembagunan or Development Planning Consultation Forum) is a part of the government's annual forum in development planning where is management remains to experience various problems. One of the problems includes a requirement for Kelurahan (Urban Village) to submit data of Musrenbang activity result, whether softcopy or hardcopy, to Sub-district and Bappeda (Regional Development Planning Agency). Then, the Sub-district will re-submit the data to the Bappeda in which this process is believed to cause a delay in the data processing. Also, due to data duplication is made frequently, search for Musrenbang data is time-consuming when needed. This research aims to develop a Development Planning Concultation Forum Information System, which can be integrated into F-SKPD Information System. System development method applies prototype. Research finding reveals that the Development Planning Consultation Forum Information System can perform an exchange data with F-SKPD Information System. Therefore, it facilitates Kelurahan and Sub-district in managing data of Musrenbang activity result and simplifies Musrenbang process of making report as well as ease the Bappeda in searching Musrenbang data.
Keywords: Musrenbang, Prototype
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