The 2nd International Conference on Sciences, Mathematics, and Education will be held on 17-18 October 2023 at Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Indonesia. By emphasizing "Emerging trends and application of artificial intelligence and machine learning for development research science and education" as the conference theme, we reassure researchers, scholars, as well as academicians from assorted backgrounds to provide and promote their research results in sciences, mathematics, education, and all kinds of related fields. The 2nd ICoSMEd 2023 will be implemented in online mode so that all presenters can take part without being limited by space and time.
General Guidelines
- This submission system is only for the presenters of the 2nd ICoSMEd 2023.
- All accepted manuscripts will be published on International Proceedings.
- The time limit for submission of the manuscript is October 20, 2023.
- The author has to register with the system for submission.
- Only manuscripts using the given Word Template or LaTeX Template will be processed.
- Each author can only submit the manuscript twice as the first author.
- An editor will handle each manuscript.
- Initial screening will be carried out before being forwarded to reviewers.
- Two reviewers will review all manuscripts.
- Major/minor revisions depend on the results being reviewed.
- The editors will decide whether the manuscript is accepted for publication based on the reviewers' suggestions.
- All accepted manuscripts must pay the publication fee before being forwarded to the production stage.
- The information will be updated if necessary.
your Sincerely,
Chair of the 2nd ICoSMEd 2023