Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis Dalam Pemetaan Zonasi Rawan Banjir Kecamatan Monano Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara
Regency, Gorontalo Province, which does not have a flood hazard map. This
study aims to determine the geological conditions and create a flood hazard
map. This study collected field data, such as lithological data, plotting data
on flood coordinates of each village, as well as validation data of the flood
hazard level. The spatial analysis used in this research scores on flood-prone
parameters, such as slope, rainfall, and land use that are overlayed along
with lithological data. As a result, four geomorphological units are obtained:
volcanic hills, denudational hilss, and fluvial and marine plains. From the
geological aspect, four units of lithology constituents are produced, such as
andesite units, agglomerate units, sandstone units, and alluvial deposit units.
The data also exposes that: slopes range from 0->45o flat to very steep, land
use is covered by settlements, rice fields, shrubs, and forests, as well as
rainfall which refers to a very high intensity of rainfall, which is >2771 mm
per year. The data obtained produces a flood hazard map divided into three
classes: low, medium, and high.
Full Text:
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.34312/jage.v1i2.17345
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