Artificial Intelligence and Its Challenges To Elections In Indonesia: A Legal Analysis

Hesti Armiwulan, Rofi Aulia Rahman, Valentino Nathanael Prabowo, József Hajdú


The improper utilization of AI technology poses difficulties to democracy, particularly the growing threat of unjust elections, exemplified by the deployment of bot accounts and deep fakes during electoral processes. Hence, it is crucial to build a strong and comprehensive framework to regulate the utilization of AI technology in Indonesia's political process. This article analyzes four main topics: (a) the advancement of AI technology and its connection to elections; (b) the influence of AI technology on election principles; (c) the pressing need for regulating AI in elections; and (d) the possibilities and difficulties of regulating AI technology within Indonesia's legal framework. The paper employs doctrinal legal research to examine the necessity of regulating AI technology in the context of conducting elections, taking into account the constitutional framework, established principles, and democratic election norms. The result shows that irresponsible use of AI technology remains a menace to democratic election ideals, and Indonesia must establish adequate legal mechanisms to tackle the problems stemming from the improper use of AI technology in the political process. The regulation of AI technology can be initiated by introducing a bill specifically focused on artificial intelligence (AI). This process should also involve the synchronization and harmonization of election rules, including election laws, laws governing the election of governors, regents, and mayors, laws concerning political parties, and other implementing regulations such as those established by the General Election Commission and the Election Supervisory Board.


Artificial Intelligence; democratic principles; elections

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