Impacts of Land Use on Runoff and Sediment Dynamics in Tropical Watersheds: A Case Study in Bogowonto Upper Watershed

Nugroho Christanto, Muhammad Anggri Setiawan, Afid Nur Kholis, Rahit Sharma, Dhruba Pika Shrestha


Land use changes in tropical regions have increased, leading to rising environmental stress in Java, Indonesia. Food shortages have driven land conversion and expansion, which increases peak flows during the rainy season and reduces water storage in the dry season, heightening flood risks. Research on integrated catchment hydrology is crucial. This study examines the relationship between land use, runoff, and sediment in the Bogowonto Upper Watershed using SWAT hydrological modeling. The SWAT model helps understand hydrological processes at the watershed scale and the impact of land use changes on runoff and sediment dynamics. The sensitivity of SWAT model parameters varies in the Bogowonto Upper Watershed. Runoff sensitivity analysis indicates a +62% increase with a 50% change in CN value, showing high sensitivity. A 50% change in vegetation cover results in a +50% model output, indicating moderate sensitivity. Slope, Ksat (saturated hydraulic conductivity), and bulk density are fairly sensitive, while AWC is slightly sensitive. For sediment, a 50% increase in CN value results in a +47% change, and a 50% increase in vegetation cover leads to a +58% model output, showing moderate sensitivity. The model, run from 2014-2019, shows excellent accuracy with NSE of 0.82, RRMSE of 0.43, R² of 0.83, and PBIAS of 9.8%.


Land use; runoff; sediment dynamic; SWAT; Hydrological Model; Bogowonto

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