Peningkatan Performa Sel Surya Dengan Sistem Peredam Panas
Dalam studi ini, kami menyaajikan investigasi eksperimental terhadap kinerja sel surya yang digabungkan dengan peredam panas. Pengaturan eksperimental dalam ruangan dirancang dan dirakit untuk menyelidiki dampak penggunaan sistem pendingin peredam panas pada kinerja sel surya. Lampu halogen digunakan untuk mensimulasikan radiasi matahari dan penelitian dilakukan pada nilai radiasi matahari yang berbeda. Selain itu, penelitian dilakukan pada udara alami dan paksa untuk mendinginkan peredam panas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan sistem pendingin peredam panas meningkatkan kinerja sel surya. Suhu sel surya menurun sekitar 5,4 % dan 11 % masing-masing dengan menggunakan sistem pendingin peredam panas pada udara alami dan udara paksa di atas peredam panas. Selain itu, efisiensi dan daya sistem sel surya meningkat sekitar 16% saat sistem pendingin peredam panas digunakan.
In this study, we conducted an experimental investigation of the performance of a solar cell coupled with a heat sink in a relatively simple system. An indoor experimental setup was designed and assembled to investigate the impact of using a heat sink cooling system on the performance of solar cell performance. Halogen lamps are used to simulate solar radiation and research is carried out on the value of solar radiation which varies from the highest wavelength to the lowest wavelength. In addition, research was carried out on natural and forced air to cool the heat sink. The results showed that the use of a heat dissipation cooling system increases the performance of solar cells. The temperature of the solar cell was decreased by about 5.4 % and 11 % respectively by using natural air and forced air to overheat sink cooling systems. We believe the efficiency and power of the solar cell system increase by about 16% when a heat dissipation cooling system is used.
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