Evaluate Prototype Performance of Battery Pack Monitoring for PT XYZ E-Bus Maintenance

Tasya Aulia Fitri Chamila, Tri Rijanto, Pradini Puspitaningayu


One of the primary issues with electric vehicles is battery longevity. This study uses Kodular as an application developer for mobile app monitoring. Furthermore, using the monitoring data, PT XYZ may increase the operational efficiency of electric buses, lengthen battery life, and lower the risk of damage and maintenance costs. The following parameters are used: power voltage, SoC, SoH, system insulation resistance, positive insulation, negative insulation, pack voltage, and current. Inspectors can perform maintenance, diagnose faults, and improve overall system performance by keeping track of these parameters. It also contributes to the prevention of equipment failure, the avoidance of safety hazards, and the reliable operation of electrical and electronic systems. The goal of this research is to examine the performance of prototype monitoring with battery pack measurement parameters on a mobile app using prototype monitoring of battery packs on electric bus maintenance at PT XYZ. In this trial, interval changes happened every 30 minutes from 20:10 to 21:40. This research was carried out four times. The output parameters are pack voltage (545.9 V), current (-67.7 A), power voltage (26676), SoC (81.4%), SoH (100%), system insulation resistance (1233 KΩ), positive insulation (2952 KΩ), and negative insulation (1233 KΩ).


Battery Pack; BMS; ESP 32; Kondular; MCP 2515; Monitoring

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37905/jjeee.v6i2.25827


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