muhammad sayuti, Hasanuddin Hasanuddin, Syarifuddin Achmad


Strengthening the Village SDGs is a government program to provide the value of a prosperous life for today's society, by increasing all potential in achieving goals both in terms of social, economic and environmental comprehensively in the realization of community welfare. Empowerment of management and processing of natural and environmental resource potential which is the community's foundation in cultivating economic resilience for quality and equitable growth which is one of the seven development agendas in the president's vision and mission with the policy direction of the 2020-2024 RPJMN. The implementation of the Village SDGs can be realized if the entire community can play an active role in developing village economic resilience.Therefore, it is necessary to have "Community Empowerment through the Development of Village SDGs for Improving Welfare, Living Standards Grow Evenly". The State University of Gorontalo has participated in the success of the SDGs activities. One of the areas that was used as the location was Moahudu Village through the Thematic Village Community Service Program (KKN) activities. The Thematic Village Community Service Program activities in Moahudu Village are building the livestock sector with a work program for cattle farming counseling, technical guidance on animal feed technology, cattle health services and planting superior forage forage.

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