Nadirah Rasyid Ridha, Farid Huzein, Emir Amal


Background: Yolk sac tumor (YST), which most frequently arises in the gonads as a type of germ cell tumor, is rare in children but is highly malignant. He most common testicular tumor in young children under the age of 3 is yolk sac tumor, and it is also known as infantile embryonal carcinoma.
Case Presentation: We present the clinical future YST in an one- year and sevent-months old. In this report, we described testicular of YST in terms of the clinical manifestation, imaging, and histopathology findings, diagnosis and treatment. It has been suggested that alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) can be applied as a feasible tumor marker because its level was elevated in > 90% of YST. The treatment generally involves debulking surgery of tumors followed by systemic chemotherapy.
Conclusion: Our case report has a good prognosis because good responds with chemotherapy. Although YST is rare in children, pediatric physicians should be aware of this and prompt treatment should be addressed.
Keywords: yolk sac tumor, chemotherapy, pediatric


yolk sac tumor;chemotherapy; pediatric

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35971/jjhsr.v4i1.11666


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