Diabetes merupakan penyakit kronis yang terjadi di saat insulin yang diproduksi oleh tubuh tidak bisa digunakan secara efektif maupun organ pankreas mengalami masalah dimana insulin tidak dapat diproduksi sebagaimana mestinya. Diabetes Mellitus dibagi menjadi dua jenis yaitu IDDM (DM tipe I) dan NIDDM (DM tipe 2. Kebaruan penelitian ini menguji efektivitas nonherbal kemangi sebagai antihiperglikemia pada tikus diabetes yang terindukasi streptozotocin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan meninjau hewan dan penelitian pada tikus putih yang diinduksi STZ. Pencarian elektronik dilakukan dengan mencari MEDLINE melalui platform PubMed, Web of Science, Embase melalui platform Ovid, CINAHL, dan Scopus. Penulis juga akan mencari literatur kelabu seperti makalah konferensi, laporan teknis, tesis, dan disertasi di Google Scholar, Google, OpenGrey, ProQuest Disertasi & Tesis, dan British Library Ethos. Penulis mencari database sebanyak 5655 artikel dari November 2011 hingga November 2021 menggunakan kata kunci MeSH. Istilah pencarian dibagi menjadi tiga komponen, yaitu komponen populasi yang meliputi kata-kata “hewan”, “model hewan”, “studi praklinis”, “hewan percobaan”, “hewan percobaan”, “hewan laboratorium, ” "tikus", "kelinci", "tikus diabetes", "model penyakit hewan". Komponen intervensi dengan kata-kata “Ocium Basilicum” “kemangi,” dan “nano herbal,” Akhirnya, istilah komponen penyakit akan menjadi "diabetes mellitus, tipe 2," "diabetes mellitus tidak tergantung insulin," "NIDDM," "gangguan metabolisme glukosa," "penyakit metabolik," "hiperlipidemia," "hiperglikemia," "insulin resistensi," dan "intoleransi glukosa." Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa Efektifitas Nanoherbal kemangi (Ocium Basilicum) sebagai Antihiperglikemia pada tikus diabetes yang terinduksi Streptozotocin. Kesimpulannya Selain efek antioksidan, Nanoherbal kemangi menunjukkan efek antidiabetes yang efektif dalam menurunkan gula darah tinggi.
Katakunci: Diabetes; Streptozotocin; Kemangi.
Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when the insulin produced by the body cannot be used effectively or the pancreas has problems where insulin cannot be produced properly. Diabetes Mellitus is divided into two types namely IDDM (type I DM) and NIDDM (type 2 diabetes). The novelty of this study tested the effectiveness of non-herbal basil as an antihyperglycemic agent in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. of Science, Embase via Ovid, CINAHL, and Scopus platforms. Authors will also search gray literature such as conference papers, technical reports, theses, and dissertations on Google Scholar, Google, OpenGrey, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, and British Library Ethos. Authors search a database of 5655 articles from November 2011 to November 2021 using the keyword MeSH. The search term is divided into three components, namely the population component which includes the words “animal”, “animal model”, “preclinical study”, “experimental animal”, “ experimental animal”, “laboratory animal,” “rat”, “rabbit”, “diabetic rat”, “animal disease model”. Components of the intervention with the words “OciumBasilicum” “k emangi,” and “herbal nano,” Eventually, the disease component terms would become “diabetes mellitus, type 2,” “noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus,” “NIDDM,” “glucose metabolism disorder,” “metabolic disease,” “hyperlipidemia, " "hyperglycemia," "insulin resistance," and "glucose intolerance." The results show that the effectiveness of basil nanoherbal (OciumBasilicum) as antihyperglycemia in Streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Conclusion : In addition to the antioxidant effect, the basil nanoherbal showed an effective antidiabetic effect in lowering high blood sugar.
Keywords: Diabetes; Streptozotocin; Basil.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35971/jjhsr.v4i3.13460
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