Diabetes merupakan penyakit kronis yang terjadi di saat insulin yang diproduksi oleh tubuh tidak bisa digunakan secara efektif maupun organ pankreas mengalami masalah dimana insulin tidak dapat diproduksi sebagaimana mestinya. Kebaruan penelitian ini karena meneliti tentang efektivitas nanoherbal tomat (solanum lycopersicum) sebagai antihiperglikemia pada tikus diabetes yang terinduksi streptozotocin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk secara sistematis menganalisis dan meninjau hewan dan penelitian pada tikus putih yang diinduksi STZ. Metode pencarian elektronik dilakukan dengan mencari MEDLINE melalui platform PubMed, Web of Science, Embase melalui platform Ovid, CINAHL, dan Scopus. Penulis juga akan mencari literatur kelabu seperti makalah konferensi, laporan teknis, tesis, dan disertasi di Google Scholar, Google, OpenGrey, ProQuest Disertasi & Tesis, dan British Library Ethos. Penulis mencari setiap database hingga November 2021 menggunakan kata kunci MeSH. Istilah pencarian dibagi menjadi tiga komponen, yaitu komponen populasi yang meliputi kata-kata “hewanâ€, “model hewanâ€, “studi praklinisâ€, “hewan percobaanâ€, “hewan percobaanâ€, “hewan laboratorium, †"tikus", "kelinci", "tikus diabetes", "model penyakit hewan". Komponen intervensi dengan kata-kata “Solanum Lycopersicum†“tomat,†dan “nano herbal,†Akhirnya, istilah komponen penyakit akan menjadi "diabetes mellitus, tipe 2," "diabetes mellitus tidak tergantung insulin," "NIDDM," "gangguan metabolisme glukosa," "penyakit metabolik," "hiperlipidemia," "hiperglikemia," "insulin resistensi," dan "intoleransi glukosa." Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa Efektifitas Nanoherbal tomat (Solanum Lycopersicum) sebagai Antihiperglikemia pada tikus diabetes yang terinduksi Streptozotocin. Kesimpulan penelitiannya ada bukti praklinis bahwa Solanum Lycopersicum efektif dalam menurunkan gula darah tinggi.
Kata kunci: Diabetes; Streptozotocin; Tomat.
Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when the insulin produced by the body cannot be used effectively or the pancreas has problems where insulin cannot be produced properly. The novelty of this study is that it examines the effectiveness of tomato nanoherbal (Solanum lycopersicum) as an antihyperglycemic agent in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. This review aims to systematically analyze and review animals and studies in STZ-induced white mice. An electronic search was carried out by searching for MEDLINE through the PubMed platform, Web of Science, Embase through the Ovid, CINAHL, and Scopus platforms. Authors will also search for gray literature such as conference papers, technical reports, theses, and dissertations on Google Scholar, Google, Open Grey, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, and British Library Ethos. The author searched each database until November 2021 using the keyword MeSH. The search term is divided into three components, namely a population component which includes the words “animalâ€, “animal modelâ€, “preclinical studyâ€, “experimental animalâ€, “experimental animalâ€, “laboratory animal,†“ratâ€, “rabbit ", "diabetic mice", "animal disease models". The intervention component with the words “Solanum Lycopersicum†“tomato,†and “nano herbal,†Finally, the disease component term would be “diabetes mellitus, type 2,†“non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus,†“NIDDM,†“metabolic disorder. glucose," "metabolic disease," "hyperlipidemia," "hyperglycemia," "insulin resistance," and "glucose intolerance." The results showed that the effectiveness of Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum) Nanoherbal as Antihyperglycemia in Streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat. The conclusion of the study is that there is preclinical evidence that Solanum Lycopersicum is effective in lowering high blood sugar.
Full Text:
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35971/jjhsr.v4i3.13760

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