Nurjannah Damis, Aryadi Arsyad, Muhammad Husni Cangara


Hati adalah organ metabolisme di mana racun diserap dari saluran usus dan diangkut ke hati, menyebabkan berbagai jenis kerusakan pada hati. Kulit telur mengandung kalsium karbonat, yang mengurangi parameter oksidatif dan kerusakan jaringan hati. Kebaruan penelitian ini karena peneliti menganalisis pengaruh pemberian suspensi cangkang telur terhadap kerusakan hati pada tikus wistar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh suspensi kulit telur terhadap kerusakan hati yang diinduksi parasetamol pada tikus Wistar jantan. Metode penelitian menggunakan 25 tikus Wistar jantan (Rattus norvegicus) dengan berat 150-200 g dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok (n = 5). Selama satu bulan, tikus diberi 750 mg/kg BB parasetamol secara oral sekali sehari, menyebabkan kerusakan hati. Setelah 1 bulan, mereka dirawat dengan suspensi kulit telur (6,13, 10,0, dan 26,0 mg/kg BB) secara oral selama 7 hari. Setelah perawatan selesai, darah tikus ditarik melalui mata untuk pengukuran ALT dan AST. Nekropsi dilakukan untuk pemeriksaan histopatologis hati. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tiga dosis suspensi kulit telur secara signifikan mengurangi kadar ALT dan AST pada tikus yang diinduksi parasetamol. Histopatologi hati pada tikus yang diinduksi parasetamol mengungkapkan hingga 50% nekrosis dan sel-sel inflamasi. Pada P2 dan P3, persentase kerusakan hati menurun masing-masing sebesar 25%. Kesimpulan menunjukkan bahwa suspensi kulit telur memiliki efek hepatoprotektif pada kerusakan hati yang diinduksi parasetamol, ditandai dengan penurunan kadar ALT dan AST dan peningkatan histologi hati dengan dosis 10,0 dan 26,0 mg/kg BB.

Kata Kunci : Kerusakan hati; Cangkang telur; Alanin transaminase; Aspartat transaminase; Histopatologi Hati.




The liver is a metabolic organ in which toxins are absorbed from the intestinal tract and transported to the liver, causing various types of damage to the liver. The eggshell contains calcium carbonate, reducing oxidative parameters and liver tissue damage. The novelty of this study is because researchers analyzed the effect of eggshell suspension administration on liver damage in wistar rats. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of eggshell suspension on paracetamol-induced liver damage in male Wistar rats. The study method used 25 male Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) weighing 150-200 g divided into 5 groups (n = 5). For one month, rats were given 750 mg/kg of BB paracetamol orally once a day, causing liver damage. After 1 month, they were treated with eggshell suspensions (6.13, 10.0, and 26.0 mg/kg BB) orally for 7 days. After the treatment was completed, the rat's blood was drawn through the eyes for measurements of ALT and AST. Necropsy is performed for histopathological examination of the liver. The results showed three doses of eggshell suspension significantly reduced ALT and AST levels in paracetamol-induced rats. Hepaticology of the liver in paracetamol-induced mice revealed up to 50% necrosis and inflammatory cells. In P2 and P3, the percentage of liver damage decreased by 25%, respectively. The conclusions showed that the eggshell suspension had a hepatoprotective effect on paracetamol-induced liver damage, characterized by a decrease in ALT and AST levels and an increase in liver histology at doses of 10.0 and 26.0 mg/kg BB.

Keywords : Liver damage; Eggshell; Alanine transaminases; Aspartate transaminases; Hepatic Histopathology.



Liver damage; Eggshell; Alanine transaminases; Aspartate transaminases; Hepatic Histopathology.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35971/jjhsr.v5i1.17861


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