Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Berbasis Web Untuk Pendistribusian Gas LPG
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) in 3kg packaging is reserved actually for poor and SMEs, yet the gas is also utilized by well-off people and business owners. This occurs because of the absence of computerized surveillance systems of the gas distribution by the agent and outlet. This study aimed to develop a web-based system of 3kg Liquefied Petroleum Gas information distribution in PT.P(Persero) Gorontalo; a prototype model was used to develop the system. This research resulted in a system that provides access rights for administrators to be able to input required data, such as customer data, outlet data, outlet distribution data, and customer distribution data. The systems also help the process of 3kg Liquefied Petroleum Gas distribution and PT.P(Persero) Gorontalo in terms of the supervision process.
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