Peer Review Process

Peer Review Process

Jambura Journal of Informatics (JJi) applies the following review process policy for manuscripts:

  1. The editor will check (first review) any manuscripts that the author has submitted, paying particular attention to their suitability for (a) the journal's scope and (b) the writing guide (journal template). Manuscripts that are not suitable at this early stage will be immediately rejected without a review process, and the editor will inform the author by including information on the reasons why the manuscript was not accepted. This stage can take more than a week to complete.
  2. The editor then examines manuscripts that have passed step 1 above in terms of:
    • Has a similarity index of less than 25% (Turnitin) or manuscript authenticity.
    • Minimum 6 pages, maximum 15 pages
    • Minimum of 15 references and all references cited in the manuscript.
    • At least 70% of references are from publications in the last 5 years.
    • A minimum of 80% of references come from national or international journals (preferably accredited or reputable).
    • References use the APA style format, and Mendeley is recommended.
  1. For manuscripts that do not or don't comply with provisions 2 above, the editor will convey the information to the author for correction within the specified time. Authors who do not respond (send corrections) according to the editor's comments for more than one month will have their manuscript rejected.
  2. Manuscripts that have passed step 3 above will then be sent to at least one reviewer to review the content using the blind review method. An examination of the contents of the manuscript is carried out to review the substance by considering truth, novelty, usefulness, methods, scientific impact, conclusions, and references.
  3. Reviewers will suggest improvements if the manuscript does not meet the criteria worthy of publication or if the reviewer rejects the submitted manuscript.
  4. The editor will decide by considering the reviewers suggestions whether the manuscript meets the requirements for publication in the Jambura Journal of Informatics.

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