Implementasi Teknologi Augmented Reality Dalam Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Perangkat Keras Komputer
The lack of student-centered digital learning resources remains a problem in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) school subjects. For instance, the conventionally teacher- centered teaching practices continue to exist within the Computer Hardware classes, particularly at the Junior High School (or SMP in the Indonesian language) level. The study reported in this article, therefore, is aimed at describing the adoption of Augmented Reality (AR) technology in the development of learning resources for the ICT subjects, especially in the Year VII of Computer Hardware classes. A design-based research with the 4D model was used. To gather data, observation, interviews, documentation study, and questionnaires were utilised. Data were then analyzed qualitatively. Findings showed that the adoption of AR technology helped in creating interactive teaching and learning resources. In addition to this, such technology allowed, in real time, the display of computer hardware in a three-dimensional format using an intermediary Marker card. This enabled school students access the learning resources using their mobile phones.
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