Sistem Pengelolaan Laporan Pengaduan Pelanggaran Internal Organisasi Berbasis Web Mobile
The conventional complaint reporting system often experiences problems; one of them is losing the complaint file. It is worsened by the condition in which informants might not know about the report that has been filed. This condition happens due to the non-real-time system. Based on this problem, it is necessary to use the system in the complaint report management mechanism and minimize the risk of the occurred problems. This study aimed to develop a mobile web-based complaint report management system for the government of Gorontalo Province. This research uses the Prototype method. This research designed a system for managing complaint reports that provide access rights for admins, informants, managers, and leaders. Further, this system provided easier access to make complaint reports to be accessed anywhere and anytime. Moreover, it would be easier for informants to file complaints, managers to find the data regarding complaints reports, and leaders to monitor the incoming complaints reports.
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