Pengukuran Kesiapan Penerapan Knowledge Management di Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi
The implementation of Knowledge Management (KM) in an organization is a strategy for achieving the vision and mission of the organization. However, such implementation does not always work successfully because of, for instance, a lack of organizational readiness pertaining to the human, the process, and the technological aspects. This study, therefore, aims to measure the level of readiness for the implementation of KM at Universitas Ichsan (Unisan) Gorontalo. To achieve the research objectives, a survey method with a quantitative approach was used. The readiness model used refers to the KM Readiness model, which relies on the Knowledge Management Critical Success Factors (KMCSF) indicator as a KM enabler factor and the Rao scale to interpret the level of readiness for KM implementation in the organization. The results showed that Unisan’s KM readiness level was at level 4, which means the organization received a Receptive attribute. This shows that Unisan is well-prepared for implementing the KM in order to achieve the organization’s vision and mission.
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