Desain dan Implementasi Web Kajian Islam
Information about reliable Islamic studies is now beginning to decrease because many Islamic studies are not in accordance with Al-Qur'an and Sunnah. The development of information technology, especially computers and smartphones, enables the dissemination of information very quickly. It is inevitable that computers and smartphones are human needs in daily life in various activities and businesses. By the use of appropriate information technology, precise and accurate information will be produced that is in accordance with needs so that decisions can be taken quickly. The purpose of this research is to design a web of Islamic studies for the community. Islamic study web created using the programming language PHP, CSS, HTML and Javascript, and MySQL as storage media. The system development method used is the prototype method with the stages of requirements gathering & refinement, quick design, building prototype, customer evaluation of prototype, refining prototype, and engineer product. The results of research in the form of an Islamic study web in which there is filtering information by the examiner and the author can revise the study which was rejected by the examiner/review. In addition, study information can be accessed anytime and anywhere, makes it easy for people who want to find out study information that suits their needs.
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