Sistem Informasi Bantuan Bahan Pustaka
The library materials assistance program for developing village libraries is a government policy to improve the intelligence of village communities. From 2009 to 2017, books distributed throughout Gorontalo province have reached 124,750 titles with a total of 249,500 copies. Integrated information services related to the distribution of library materials are currently not available, resulting in errors in the distribution process. In addition, in the on going process, the village library has not been included as an entity that can provide input in determining the title of the book that is relevant to environmental conditions or the needs of the area. This study aims are to determine the process of distributing library material assistance and design a library information distribution system at the Archive Service and the Gorontalo Province Library. The system was developed using the Waterfall method. The results of this study is a library information distribution system along with a web-based application for processing data related to library material distribution. After the implementation and testing, this application can facilitate the search for data recipients of library material assistance, the provision of detailed information related to donated books, presentation of books that have been donated, as well as the
reporting of beneficiaries of books and village library recipients who can provide input related to the required titles in accordance conditions of each region
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