Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Layanan Servis Mobil Berbasis Android
The development of mobile systems has become a demand for companies to be able to remain competitive in serving consumers. The problems faced by pt. HAG as a service provider in the utomotive field is that there is no real-time service that can reduce the waiting time for vehicle service. The purpose of this research is to develop an information system using an Android-based platform to manage car service data services at PT HAG. The system development method used is the Waterfall model. To ensure the use of applications on the user side, System Usability Scale (SUS) testing of developed application systems is used. The results of this study show that android-based application systems can generate real-time car service data and information required by customers. This can help the company to improve the quality of car service services that have been run by the company, as well as a strategy for the company to remain competitive amid the current business competition.
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