fq-derivasi di BM-aljabar

Egytia Yattaqi, Sri Gemawati, Ihda Hasbiyati



B-aljabar adalah suatu himpunan tak kosong X dengan operasi biner  dan konstanta 0 yang memenuhi aksioma-aksioma tertentu. Suatu bentuk khusus dari B-aljabar adalah BM-aljabar. Adapun hubungan kedua aljabar tersebut, setiap BM-aljabar adalah B-aljabar dan setiap B-aljabar 0-komutatif adalah BM-aljabar. Konsep fq-derivasi telah dibahas di B-aljabar. Pada artikel ini, dibahas konsep fq-derivasi di BM-aljabar. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh adalah mendefinisikan inside dan outside fq-derivasi di BM-aljabar dan menentukan sifat-sifatnya. Adapun definisi fq-derivasi di BM-aljabar ekuivalen dengan fq-derivasi di B-aljabar, namun pada sifat-sifatnya terdapat perbedaan, yaitu terdapat sifat fq-derivasi yang berlaku di BM-aljabar tetapi secara umum tidak berlaku di B-aljabar.



B-algebra is a non-empty set X with a constant 0 and binary operation satisfying certain axioms. A special form of B-algebra is BM-algebra. Their relationship are every BM-algebra is a B-algebra and every 0-commutative B-algebra is a BM-algebra.  The concept of fq-derivation in B-algebra is discussed. The results define inside and outside fq-derivations in BM-algebra and obtain related properties. Moreover, the definition of fq-derivation in BM-algebra is equivalent to fq-derivation in B-algebra, but there are differences in their properties, which is there are some properties of fq-derivation in BM-algebra, but generally don't hold in B-algebra.


BM-algebra; Inside fq-derivation; Outside fq-derivation; fq-derivation

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.34312/jjom.v3i2.10379

Copyright (c) 2021 Egytia Yattaqi, Sri Gemawati, Ihda Hasbiyati

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