Bilangan Terhubung Titik Pelangi pada Graf Hasil Operasi Korona Graf Prisma (P_(m,2)) dan Graf Lintasan (P_3)

Indrawati Lihawa, Sumarno Ismail, Isran K Hasan, Lailany Yahya, Salmun K Nasib, Nisky Imansyah Yahya


Rainbow vertex-connection number is the minimum k-coloring on the vertex graph G and is denoted by rvc(G). Besides, the rainbow-vertex connection number can be applied to some special graphs, such as prism graph and path graph. Graph operation is a method used to create a new graph by combining two graphs. Therefore, this research uses corona product operation to form rainbow-vertex connection number at the graph resulting from corona product operation of prism graph and path graph (Pm,2 P3) & (P3 Pm,2). The results of this study obtain that the theorem of rainbow vertex-connection number at the graph resulting from corona product operation of prism graph and path graph (Pm,2 P3) & (P3 Pm,2) for 3 <= m <= 7 are rvc (G) = 2m & rvc (G) = 2.


Rainbow Vertex Connection; Corona Operation; Prism Graph; Path Graph

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Copyright (c) 2022 Indrawati Lihawa, Sumarno Ismail, Isran K Hasan, Lailany Yahya, Salmun K Nasib, Nisky Imansyah Yahya

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