Application of Recursive Algorithm on Shamir's Scheme Reconstruction for Cheating Detection and Identification

Rafika Husnia Munfa'ati, Sugi Guritman, Bib Paruhum Silalahi


Information data protection is necessary to ward off and overcome various fraud attacks that may be encountered. A secret sharing scheme that implements cryptographic methods intends to maintain the security of confidential data by a group of trusted parties is the answer. In this paper, we choose the application of recursive algorithm on Shamir-based linear scheme as the primary method. In the secret reconstruction stage and since the beginning of the share distribution stage, these algorithms have been integrated by relying on a detection parameter to ensure that the secret value sought is valid. Although the obtained scheme will be much simpler because it utilizes the Vandermonde matrix structure, the security aspect of this scheme is not reduced. Indeed, it is supported by two detection parameters formulated from a recursive algorithm to detect cheating and identify the cheater(s). Therefore, this scheme is guaranteed to be unconditionally secure and has a high time efficiency (polynomial running time).


Cryptography; Recursive Algorithm; Shamir's Linear Scheme

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