Backwards Stepwise Binary Logistic Regression for Determination Population Growth Rate Factor in Java Island

Khusnia Nurul Khikmah, Indahwati Indahwati, Anwar Fitrianto, Erfiani Erfiani, Reni Amelia


The high population growth rate can impact various fields due to several factors. Some of the impacts of this high rate are high poverty rates, unemployment, consumption levels, inequality in education figures, gender empowerment index, and increasingly narrow land or area. Therefore, research on the rate of population growth using data on poverty, unemployment, consumption levels, education rates, gender empowerment index, and area makes sense. This data was taken from the official website of the Central Statistics Agency for six provinces on the island of Java, Indonesia. The data used contains missing data so that the missing data is presumed by using the k-nearest neighbour method. The estimated missing data values were modelled using binary logistic regression. Variables that significantly affect the rate of population growth, namely the level of consumption, gender empowerment index, and area, are obtained using the backward stepwise method and are selected based on the smallest Aikakes criterion information value or the one with the most excellent accuracy rate. 


Aikake Information Criterion; Backwards Stepwise; Binary Logistic Regression; K-Nearest Neighbour; Population Growth Rate

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