Bifurkasi Pada Model Penyebaran Penyakit MERS-CoV di Dua Wilayah dengan Populasi Konstan

Livia Owen


Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) is caused by a novel coronavirus and it can be a human-to-human transmission disease. World Health Organization (WHO) reported the disease outbreak first happened in Saudi Arabia in 2012 and the last case is reported in 2019. In 2018, MERS-CoV outbreaks were reported in the Republic of Korea, United Kingdom of Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Saudi Arabia, Uni Arab Emirates, Oman, and Malaysia. Cases that are identified outside the Middle East are usually caused by traveling people who were infected in the Middle East and then traveled back to their country. The previous research had constructed a mathematical model for the transmission of MERS-CoV in two areas by separating the human population into susceptible and infectious groups. It focused on the basic reproductive number and sensitivity analysis. In this paper, we simplify the model with the assumption that the total population of each area is constant. Using Lagrange Multiplier Method, we find some co-dimension one and co-dimension two bifurcations i.e.fold bifurcation and cusp bifurcation, respectively. We get the domain of parameters where three, two and one non-trivial equilibrium point occurs. We also find a transcritical bifurcation point such that the disease-free equilibrium point is stable on some parameter domains.


MERS-CoV; Coronavirus; Fold Bifurcation; Cusp Bifurcation; Transcritical Bifurcation

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